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In every location where Lokal Enerji A.Ş. operates, all employees are obligated to properly apply the principles related to Health, Safety, Environment, and Security (HSE&S). The successful performance of HSE&S is vital to the health, safety, and security of our employees, which are essential to the success of our business. Our goal is straightforward: no accidents, no harm to people, and no damage to the environment. We will continue to take measures regarding waste, emissions, and the efficient use of energy and will strive to reduce the impact of our activities on human health and the environment. We will produce high-quality products that our customers can use safely.

1. We...

  • Consultation and Response: We will consult with, listen to, and provide sincere responses to our customers, employees, neighbors, public interest organizations, and those who work with us.

  • Collaboration: We will collaborate with our partners, suppliers, competitors, and regulatory authorities to raise industry standards.

  • Transparency: We will report our performance (positive or negative) honestly and transparently.

  • Recognition: We will acknowledge those who contribute to our performance in health, safety, security, and environment.

2. Our Vision

To work as a team, continually improving our HSE&S performance to become a leader in the industry.

3. Our Mission

By giving utmost importance to the management of health, safety, environment, and security, we aim to establish environmental awareness, protect natural resources, reduce waste and promote reuse, prevent environmental pollution, and eliminate risks to avoid accidents.

4. Our Policy

Lokal Enerji A.Ş. considers the management of health, safety, environment, and security as an integral part of its operations and has adopted the following principles:

  • Compliance: Adherence to current laws, national and international standards, and regulations.

  • Education: Continuous education to raise awareness among all personnel on health, safety, environment, and security.

  • Risk Management: Conducting risk assessments and taking precautions against hazards and accidents.

  • Continuous Improvement: Setting annual HSE&S goals and objectives, continuously reviewing the system, and ensuring ongoing development and improvement.

  • Safe Technology: Using technologies that prioritize worker health and safety while being environmentally friendly.

  • Innovation: Following scientific and technological innovations.

  • Resource Use: Appropriate use of resources.

  • Pollution Prevention: Implementing methods to prevent environmental pollution.

  • Supplier Evaluation: Considering the HSE&S approaches of contractors and suppliers during evaluations.

  • The top management of Lokal Enerji A.Ş. declares and commits to ensuring that no harm is done to the environment, providing the necessary working conditions for HSE&S and Occupational Health and Safety, and minimizing accidents and hazards according to these principles.

5. In All Our Activities and Operations

  • Legal Compliance: We will comply with all legal regulations in the countries where we operate, meet our HSE&S expectations, and even exceed these expectations.

  • Security: We will work to create a safe working environment to protect ourselves, our assets, and our operations against the risks of loss, accidents, or damage that may arise from criminal or malicious activities.

  • Training: We will ensure that all our employees, contractors, and others are trained, informed about HSE&S development practices, and committed to these practices. We recognize that safe operations depend not only on technical equipment, healthy facilities, and equipment but also on competent personnel and an active HSE&S culture, and that no activity is important enough to overlook safety measures.

  • Assurance: We will continuously assure that HSE&S practices are effectively implemented. Although all company employees are responsible for the company’s Health, Safety, Security, and Environment performance, the understanding and management of risks related to HSE&S are the responsibility of their supervisors.

  • Risk Assessment: We will fully participate in identifying hazards, conducting risk assessments, evaluating the Assurance Management System, and reporting HSE&S outcomes.

  • Transparency: We will maintain the trust of society in the integrity of our operations. We will report our performance openly and consult with external organizations to better understand the internal and external Health, Safety, Security, and Environment issues related to our company’s activities.

  • Standard Compliance: All parties working on behalf of Lokal Enerji should be aware that they can impact our activities and reputation and must act within our standards. We will ensure that the management systems of our contractors and other partners are equivalent to our commitment to HSE&S performance.

  • Lokal Enerji’s HSE&S expectations are detailed through the HSE&S Management Systems, summarized by the following thirteen principles.

6. Leadership and Responsibility

At Lokal Enerji, everyone at every level of the organization is responsible for guiding and engaging employees in achieving our health, safety, technical integrity, and environmental goals. Leaders are responsible for exhibiting the correct HSE&S behaviors, clearly defining HSE&S duties and responsibilities, providing necessary resources, conducting measurements, reviewing performance, and continuously improving our HSE&S performance.

7. Risk Assessment and Management

Risk assessment is an ongoing practice and the cornerstone of all HSE&S principles. We will continuously identify hazards and assess the risks related to our activities. We will take action to be successful in risk management, thereby reducing the impact of potential accidents and incidents.

8. People, Training, and Behaviors

We believe that people's behaviors play an important role in the success of Lokal Enerji. Therefore, our employees will be carefully selected, trained, and continuously evaluated based on their skills and suitability.

9. Working with Contractors and Third Parties

Contractors, suppliers, and other third parties play a significant role in our group’s business performance. We will assess their skills and suitability to ensure they can perform tasks on our behalf. We will work with them to meet our HSE&S expectations. We will monitor the performance of our contractors and partners and ensure that our procurement practices meet our expectations.

10. Facility Design and Construction

New facilities and modifications to existing facilities will be designed, procured, constructed, and commissioned in a way that ensures safe, secure, healthy, and environmentally responsible performance using accepted standards, procedures, and management systems.

11. Facility Operation and Maintenance

The operation and maintenance of facilities will be carried out within the framework of existing design conditions to ensure safe, secure, and environmentally responsible performance.

12. Change Management

Changes in all temporary and permanent organizational structures, personnel, systems, procedures, equipment, or products will be evaluated and managed to ensure that health, safety, environment, and security risks are maintained at an acceptable level. We will comply with laws and regulations related to health, safety, environment, and security impacts and consider new scientific evidence.

13. Information and Documentation

We will provide accurate information about our activities and products and ensure that this information is available for safe use.

14. Customer Health and Product Safety

Lokal Enerji is committed to offering consumers safe and environmentally compatible products. Any information and regulations provided to our customers are part of this commitment.

15. Reporting and Review

We will report and review accidents and incidents promptly, thereby providing the information necessary for the implementation of corrective actions. All employees will report activities that are contrary to Lokal Enerji’s policies in a timely manner.

16. Crisis Management and Business Continuity Planning

We will establish crisis management and business continuity plans to restart and sustain our business processes in the event of a crisis or business interruption.

17. Our Commitment

Lokal Enerji’s HSE&S policies will be continuously reviewed and improved. We will develop a systematic approach to meet and exceed our HSE&S expectations. Beyond legal requirements, we will maintain Lokal Enerji’s corporate reputation, built on integrity, honesty, and responsibility, by demonstrating industry-leading HSE&S performance.

Lokal Enerji General Manager
March 24, 2017 


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