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1. Name of the Company:

Aves Güney Antrepoculuk A.Ş.

Address of the Company:

Kazanlı Mah. 32960 Sok No:2 Akdeniz - Mersin

Phone Numbers:

0 (324) 451 21 60

Email Addresses:

2. Notification System of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization:The notification specified in Article 7 of the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects in our facility has been made accurately and completely by declaration method using the "notification system of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization (BEKRA NOTIFICATION SYSTEM)". Since it is stated in the notification system that our business is a high-level organization, a security report has been prepared for our business within the scope of Article 11 of the same regulation. In addition, it has prepared the "Major Accident Prevention Policy Document (MKÖP Document)" in accordance with Article 10.

3. General Information About the Company:

Our facility has a fuel storage capacity of 99,600 cubic meters. It has an annual handling capacity of 1 million tons. The facility mainly includes; Diesel and Gasoline products are stored, and land and sea tanker loading and unloading are carried out. Our facility; It is connected to the offshore platform via pipelines and product discharge and filling can be done from sea to land and from land to sea. Products arriving at the facility by ship or land tanker are taken to warehouses or national tanks via pumps and pipe installations, within the scope of Customs legislation and relevant regulations. After quality checks are carried out within the relevant regulations, the product in the national tanks is filled into Road Tankers using pumps and pipework and shipped to the relevant points. At this stage, all checks are carried out completely.

4. Chemicals Present in the Facility and Work Conducted:

Our business is subject to the provisions of the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects. Diesel and Gasoline chemicals stored in tanks; They are chemicals that are flammable, highly flammable, irritating, affect health and have environmental hazard categories. The names and properties of hazardous chemicals are stated in the Hazardous Substance Response Card as required in Article 6 of the regulation.

Within the scope of the Regulation on the Prevention of Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects, Hazardous Substance Response Cards prepared for each chemical (diesel and gasoline) specified in the organization are sent to the provincial disaster and emergency directorate, provincial health directorate, as a recommendation to emergency services in case of a major accident. It will be sent to the municipality and/or fire brigade to which it is affiliated and will ensure its up-to-dateness. If there is a change in the information on the hazardous material intervention card, the card will be rearranged according to the current situation and sent to the relevant institutions and organizations within one month following the change.

Within the scope of the Regulation on Preventing Major Industrial Accidents and Reducing Their Effects in our Facility; All kinds of preventive and limiting safety measures have been taken for all major accidents predicted. Within the scope of these measures, all kinds of Designs related to the control of major accidents (compliance with the standard), Basic Process Control Systems (safety valve equipment, etc.), Process Alarms (level alarm, etc.), Physical Protections (tank pool, barrier, etc.), fire extinguishing and gas detection systems were used.

Physical Protections:

In our facility, there are 2 fire water tanks (kept always full) with a capacity of 3,100 m3 that feed the pump system in case of emergency fire. In addition, there are 11 fixed and 1 mobile fire monitors. In addition, there are 67 KKT-filled fire extinguishers of various sizes throughout the facility, and 62 fixed fire hoses and cabinets connected to the water pipeline within the facility.

5. Emergency Action Plan in the Facility:

Our facility has prepared an Emergency Plan to be used in case of a major accident and carries out drills under the supervision of fire brigade and health institutions according to the prepared scenarios at certain periods.

By establishing effective communication with the institutions providing fire brigade and ambulance services, which are among the Emergency Service services that are expected to take part in the scenario content created in the organization; Institutions providing emergency services are familiarized with the facility through drills and information within the scope of the regulation.

5.1. Information about major accidents that may occur in the organization and the measures to control them:
The harmful properties of hazardous chemicals found in the organization are physical, health and environmental. There is a risk of fire, explosion and toxic spread in accidents where these chemicals may be involved. The adequacy of the measures related to the risk assessment studies was evaluated and the risk was reduced to an acceptable level by taking additional measures when necessary.

5.2. İşletmecinin, büyük endüstriyel kazalarla başa çıkmak ve bunların etkilerini en aza indirmek için, özellikle acil hizmet birimleriyle irtibata geçmek de dahil olmak üzere, tesisteki yeterli düzenlemeleri yaptığını belirtmesi;

In order to prevent major industrial accidents and minimize the damage of possible accidents to people and the environment, a "Safety Management System" has been established to provide high level, effective and continuous protection, and the organization, including contacting emergency service units, has been determined and plans have been made.

Aves Güney has accepted health, safety, security and environmental management as an integral part of its activities and has adopted the following principles:

  • Compliance with applicable laws, national and international standards and rules.

  • Raising awareness of all personnel on health, safety, security and environment through continuous training.

  • Taking precautions for dangers and accidents by making risk assessments.

  • To set forth annual HSE-S goals and objectives, to constantly review the system, and to continuously develop and improve.

  • Using environmentally compatible technologies, keeping worker health and occupational safety at the highest level.

  • Following scientific and technological innovations,

  • Appropriate resource use,

  • Using methods to prevent environmental pollution

In line with these principles, Aves Güney aims to prevent harm to the environment, to provide the necessary working conditions for worker health and safety, and to achieve zero accidents and zero danger.

6. Names and descriptions of the basic harmful properties of substances listed in Annex 1 Sections 1 and 2 that could cause a major accident:

The following table lists the chemicals that could cause an accident at our facility, along with their basic harmful properties:

Name of Hazardous Substance: Motorin (Diesel fuels)
Purpose of Hazardous Substance: Raw Material  
CAS Number: 68334-30-5  
Hazard Classification Under the Regulation: Physical (P), Health (H), Environmental (E)  
Hazard Statement Codes: 
- H226: Flammable liquid and vapor. (Flam. Liq. 3)  
- H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. (Asp. Tox. 1)  
- H351: Suspected of causing cancer. (Carc. 2)  
- H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. (Aquatic Chronic 2)  
Designated Number for Substance Under Regulation: 34

Name of Hazardous Substance: Gasoline
Purpose of Hazardous Substance: Raw Material  
CAS Number: 86290-81-5  
Hazard Classification Under the Regulation: Physical (P), Health (H), Environmental (E)  
Hazard Statement Codes: 
- H224: Extremely flammable gas. (Flam. Gas 1)  
- H304: May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways. (Asp. Tox. 1)  
- H315: Causes skin irritation. (Skin Irrit. 2)  
- H336: May cause drowsiness or dizziness. (STOT SE 3)  
- H340: May cause genetic defects. (Muta. 1B)  
- H350: May cause cancer. (Carc. 1A)  
- H361: Suspected of damaging fertility or the unborn child. (Repr. 2)  
- H411: Toxic to aquatic life with long-lasting effects. (Aquatic Chronic 2)  
Designated Number for Substance Under Regulation: 34

7. Collaboration with Emergency Service Units:

In order to minimize damage that may occur in the organization and its surroundings in the event of major industrial accidents, cooperation is established with emergency service units. Below are the contact details:


Mersin Governorship:

0 (324) 341 10 23

Mersin Metropolitan Municipality:

0 (324) 533 13 01
Mersin Directorate of Environment and Urbanization:

0 (324) 533 13 11
Mersin Provincial Health Directorate:

0 (324) 238 28 10
Mersin Public Health Directorate:

0 (324) 238 28 10
AFAD Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency:

0 (324) 341 54 25
Mersin State Hospital:

0 (324) 233 71 80
Mersin Medical Faculty Hospital:

0 (324) 241 00 00

Ambulance: 112
Highways Directorate: 159
National Poison Information Center: 114
Fire Department: 110
Gendarmerie: 156
Police Station: 112
General Directorate of Highways: 159
Electricity: 180
Natural Gas: 182

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