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1. Name of the Company:

Anadolu Karasal LPG Depolama Nakliyat A.Ş.

Address of the Company:

Dağyaka Mah. 2010 Sok. No:29 Kahramankazan - Ankara

Phone Numbers:

0 (324) 815 41 03

Email Addresses:

2. Notification System of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization:

Our facility is subject to the provisions of the Regulation on the Prevention and Mitigation of the Effects of Major Industrial Accidents, and has declared the hazardous substances covered by Annex 1 Sections 1 and 2 of the Regulation using the "Ministry of Environment and Urban Planning Notification System (BEKRA Notification)". Our organization is an upper-tier facility according to the BEKRA Notification and has prepared a "Safety Report" as required by Article 11. It has also prepared a "Major Accident Prevention Policy Document (BKÖP Document)" as required by Article 10.

3. General Information About the Company:

Operating as Turkey's highest capacity land LPG terminal, our facility is strategically located on 8,100 square meters of land in Anadolu Karasal Kahramankazan. The terminal provides LPG storage and filling services with a total capacity of 4,300 tons.

LPG arriving by road is transferred to storage tanks using pumps, compressors, and piping systems. Stored products are filled into road tankers using separate pumps and piping systems and shipped to designated locations. All controls are carried out meticulously during this process.

All stored products are required to comply with TS and EN standards or, in the absence of such standards, other standards (lower and upper limits) accepted by TSE.

4. Chemicals Present in the Facility and Work Conducted:

Our facility is subject to the provisions of the Regulation on the Prevention and Mitigation of the Effects of Major Industrial Accidents. The main activity of the facility is the storage and filling of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) into road tankers. The names and properties of hazardous chemicals are specified in the Hazardous Material Intervention Card as required by Article 6 of the Regulation.

Within the scope of the Regulation on the Prevention and Mitigation of the Effects of Major Industrial Accidents, the Hazardous Material Intervention Cards (LPG) prepared for each chemical scenarioed in the facility will be sent to the provincial disaster and emergency directorate, provincial health directorate, affiliated municipality and/or fire department as a recommendation to emergency services in case of a major accident and will be kept up-to-date. In case of any changes in the information on the hazardous material intervention card, the card will be revised again in accordance with the current status and sent to the relevant institutions and organizations within one month following the change.

Within the scope of the Regulation on the Prevention and Mitigation of the Effects of Major Industrial Accidents, all possible preventive and limiting safety measures have been taken for all scenarioed major accidents at our facility. Within the scope of these measures, all kinds of Design (compliance with standards), Basic Process Control Systems (safety valves, equipment, etc.), Process Alarms (level alarm, etc.), Physical Protections (tank pool, barriers, etc.), fire extinguishing and gas detection systems have been used.

Physical Protections:

Our facility has a 633 m3 capacity fire water tank (kept continuously full) that supplies the pump system in case of an emergency fire. In addition, there are 3 water monitors with a water discharge capacity of 800 lt/min. There are 28 various size KKT fire extinguishers throughout the facility. There are also 5 fixed fire hoses and cabinets connected to the facility's water fire hydrant and a spring system in the filling room and pump room. Additionally, a water curtain is located in the area where the LPG pipeline is located.

5. Emergency Action Plan in the Facility:

Our facility has prepared an Emergency Action Plan for use in the event of a major accident and conducts drills under the supervision of fire and health services according to the prepared scenarios at regular intervals.
 Effective communication is established with the emergency services, including fire and ambulance services, that are expected to take part in the scenarios created at the establishment, ensuring that these institutions are familiar with the facility through drills and briefings under the regulation.

5.1. Information on preventive measures regarding major accident scenarios and their control:

The hazardous properties of the chemicals in the establishment are physical, health-related, and environmental. In accidents involving these chemicals, there is a risk of fire, explosion, and toxic spread. The sufficiency of the measures taken has been evaluated through risk assessment studies, and additional measures have been implemented when necessary to reduce the risk to an acceptable level.

5.2. Statement by the operator on arrangements made at the facility to handle major industrial accidents and minimize their effects, including contacting emergency services:

A "Safety Management System" has been established to prevent major industrial accidents and minimize potential damage to people and the environment, ensuring a high level of effective and continuous protection. An organization has been determined, and plans have been made, including contacting emergency services.
Anadolu Karasal A.Ş. facility has adopted the following principles as an integral part of its operations in managing health, safety, security, and the environment:

  • Compliance with current laws, national and international standards, and regulations.

  • Raising awareness of all personnel on health, safety, security, and environmental issues through continuous training.

  • Taking measures for hazards and accidents by conducting risk assessments.

  •  Establishing annual HSSE (Health, Safety, Security, and Environment) goals and objectives, continuously reviewing the system, and ensuring continuous improvement and enhancement.

  • Utilizing environmentally compatible technologies by maintaining the highest levels of worker health and safety.

  • Following scientific and technological innovations.

  • Using appropriate resources.

  • Implementing pollution prevention methods.

Anadolu Karasal A.Ş., facility, in line with these principles, aims to prevent environmental damage, provide necessary working conditions for worker health and safety, and achieve zero accidents and zero hazards.

6. Names and descriptions of the basic harmful properties of substances listed in Annex 1 Sections 1 and 2 that could cause a major accident:

The following table lists the chemicals that could cause an accident at our facility, along with their basic harmful properties:

Hazardous Substance: LPG

Usage Purpose: Raw material
CAS Number: 68476-85-7
Regulatory Hazard Classification: Physical (P), Health (H)
Hazard Statement Code and Meaning:
- H220: Extremely flammable gas. (Flam. Gas 1)
- H280: Contains gas under pressure; may explode if heated. (Press. Gas)
Hazard Class and Category: Flammable Gas (Flam. Gas 1)
Substance Number in Regulation: 18

7. Collaboration with Emergency Service Units:
In order to minimize damage that may occur in the organization and its surroundings in the event of major industrial accidents, cooperation is established with emergency service units. Below are the contact details:


Ankara Governorship:
0 (312) 252 59 79

Kahramankazan District Governorate:
0 (312) 814 10 03

Ankara Kahramankazan Municipality:
0 (312) 814 53 00
Ankara Kahramankazan Directorate of Environment and Urbanization:
0 (312) 219 77 91
Ankara Kahramankazan Provincial Health Directorate:
0 (312) 814 33 38
Ankara Kahramankazan Public Health Directorate:
0 (312) 814 33 38
AFAD Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency:
0 (312) 258 23 23
Kahramankazan State Hospital:
0 (312) 814 14 14
Ankara Medical Faculty Hospital:
0 (312) 595 60 00

Ambulance: 112
Highways Directorate: 159
National Poison Information Center: 114
Fire Department: 110
Gendarmerie: 156
Police Station: 112
General Directorate of Highways: 159
Electricity: 180
Natural Gas: 182

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